SIDS Awareness Month

Today was an emotional day for a friend & co worker of mine. Today would have been Gavin Thomas' First Birthday. Gavin joined the angels on Dec. 28, 2008. Please remember Amber & her family in your prayers.
If you would like to donate to a SIDS cause, please donate to First Candle. Make the donation in the memory of Gavin Robert Thomas.
First Candle is a national nonprofit health organization uniting parents, caregivers and researchers nationwide with government, business and community service groups to advance infant health and survival.
This was an email from Amber:
October is SIDS awareness month. You may print off and display the attached ribbon in honor of my baby Gavin if you wish. He would havecelebrated his first birthday this week. The ribbon is also attached to the"October" email sent. Please share the ribbon to raiseawareness of SIDS encourage everyone to display it this month, in his memory.