Christmas is Coming.
Yes, Christmas is coming. Only 34 days away. I vowed this year that I will not let the season slip away & become total chaos. To help relieve the stress, I created a to do list. Next, I set dates to accomplish my tasks. The chocalate chip cookies are baked. The lady lock dough is rolled & will be cut, wrapped & baked tomorrow. I plan to bake one type of cookie each day of the weekend. Tomorrow my daughter & I will bake peanut butter blossoms. Perhaps Sunday will be biscotti.

I have one gift down for each grandmother. I had mugs made with the kids pictures on them. Costco has a great deal. I ordered on line & the mugs arrive 2 days later. I was able to take the day off & do some shopping for the kids. I picked up some clothes & a toy or two for each of them. Next major task is wrapping. I'll have to find a day when the kids are at their friends house. This is the picture on the grandma's mugs.

Picture on each of the grandma's mugs.
Yeah - I'm starting the list of all lists ... I have a gazillion of them - doesn't help me stay organized; although you think it WOULD!