Why Magic Kingdom Became Tragic Kingdom Part 1
This year my husband & I made the decision instead of a beach vacation, we would go to Disney. We felt that the kids are now old enough, no strollers to push, they can probably handle the heat better than an infant or toddler & they are old enough to remember this trip the rest of their lives. Once you read about my experience, you will agree that remembering this trip is an understatement. So get your Kleenex or Puffs (if you prefer) & get ready for a good cry.

March 2009: We booked our Disney trip after much research. AAA had the best deal over all.
May 2009: The excitement begins to build about the trip & the count down began. Start to lake our list of things we need to take & shop for new clothes.
June 9, 2009: Schools out for the summer & the packing begins.
June 10, 2009: My last day of work for the summer. Let the final push to pack begin.
June 11, 2009: Shop for last minute items, get hair cut, pedicure & get the dog extra supplies.
8:3o pm-Take dog to mom's house. (She has agreed to watch the dog while we are gone.) Got everyone oriented to each other, that is mom to dog & dog to house.
9:30 pm- Say good bye & leave.
June 12, 2009:
8:00 am-Stop by mom's house with additional info about dog & flight #'s, where we are staying etc..... One final good bye to the dog & we are off.
8:10 am-Get on the Parkway East & we are off to the airport.
8:17 am-Cell phone rings. Why is the school calling? Answer phone, it is a friend that works at the school & has my cell #. My stomach is instantly sick. She tells me that me mom fell on the driveway & that the neighbors have called the ambulance....
Part Two to follow.
