Cold Day, Hot Soup

This challenge is really becoming a challenge. Not a whole lot happens in my boring life. I get up. Go to work. Come home. Start dinner. Do homework. Clean the kitchen up. Throw in a load of laundry. Get the kids ready for baths & then bed. Then my bedtime. It's like everday is Ground Hog Day. I need a life.


I so hear you on that one.

Same stuff different day!

Hey ... are you going to the mommybloggers get together - you should! I've been to two - and I enjoyed myself - WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU AGAIN! It's been a VERY LONG TIME!


hey, thanks for the comment about wii - we have a wii - I've considered the wii fitness but heard it was bunk - but I think I'll go for it! thanks for the recommendation!
I'm begging!

PREDDDDDDDDDDDY Ppppppppllllllllllllleeeeaaaaasssseeee!

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