The Things We Do For Love

Whew! What a weekend. Saturday started out at a family reunion. (The hubby's side of the family.) It was great to see all the out of towners. Sad to say that we only see them for weddings, funerals & Christmas. The theme was Christmas in July. The kids made Ginger Bread Houses & decorated stockings.

Comic Relief

This is the comic relief of our family. I'm sure there is one in every family. He found a puddle of water to roll around in within 15 minutes after arriving. He also decided to go & see the horses in the woods with my son not too far from the picnic area. They both were told to return to the picnic area, my son listened but Comic Relief did not. He remained in the woods screaming, "Can somebody help me. There are pricklies here." So my husband went into the woods (after pointing out ther poison ivy to my son.) My husband returned from the woods with the Comic Relief in his arms. I started to laugh when I noticed that the Comic had no shoes on his feet. Ouch!!!!! I can only imagine what othe trouble he got into after we left. Oh yeah! My husband informed me that the Comic Relief helped pack their family cooler. Hubby said there were many interesting things noted in the cooler. I will leave it at that.

We said our good byes a little earlier than the other family members. We were off to Wheeling WV. Many family members asked why. I told them we had a previous commitment. I didn't want to tell them that we were taking our 9 year old son to see the WWE. Like I said, the things we do for love. He has got his 7 year old sister hooked also. The look on their faces was priceless. I do have to admit that some of events are entertaining. I know I couldn't do the acro or yogo moves that some of the Diva's do. Not even when I was in my youth. Kudos to them.

Sunday we were off to Kennywood with the nieces & nephew (that we rarely see do to unfortunate circumstances). That is a story for another date & time. Thanks to my mother in law for making these memories possible. My daughter is now loving roller coasters. She rode The Phantom's Revenge for the first time & loved it. She was braver than my 13 year old niece.

The night ended when we closed the park at 11pm. Gram was tired & had an hour drive home. We found out Monday morning that she didn't get home until 2 am. She had a flat tire on a dark highway with grandkids in the car. Not what she needed.


Fun times.

I think you are MORE busy than we are! It gets tiring chasing after the kiddies - I'm just not able to keep up!

Guess I really don't have too sometimes, but I like to think it keeps me young.

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