The Toy Taker

Where is the Toy Taker? I told my kids when they were younger that if they didn't pick up their toys that the Toy Taker would come when they were sleeping & take their toys.

Where is he when I need him? Recently my daughter's room has got out of control with the toys laying around. Yesterday I took on the challenge to clean her room. Before I started I asked God for his help. "Dear Lord, Bless This Mess. "

Then I started. Where do I put these toys? On the bed for now. Then I thought, " What did I get myself into?" "Someone has to do it." So then I continued with trash bags ready for any broken toy. It filled semi quickly. I just hate cleaning the rooms of my kids. Where is the Toy Taker that I told them would come when they where younger? Did he retire? Where is he?


I do this constantly ... I hate toys ... they never ever ever play with them.

My youngest loves her makeup kit and my oldest ... well, she likes some things but isn't in love with anything in particular (cept maybe the stuffed lambs she has had since birth).

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